We said “I do” on April 14, 1979. We still do… It’s been a good ride, not without a few bumps, but a rewarding experience where Darnell and I have grown in the grace of God. A long-term, happy marriage is a union of two people who have made a commitment to march to the drumbeat of God’s Word and to make it–and Him–their guide and top priority. Check out our quick video at: https://www.facebook.com/dspegues/videos/10215914945838992/
We are both eternally grateful for what God has done in making our marriage, though not perfect, a model of what can be when He is at the center of it. So rather than a big party to celebrate this milestone year, we decided to visit the land of our Savior.
Led by experienced archeologist and learned theologian, Dr. Prince Maurice Parker, we toured and trekked Northern and Southern Israel as places and events in the Bible came alive. We will never be the same.
The Garden of Gethsemane and the Tomb were perhaps among the most memorable parts of the trip for me. To think of Jesus’ agony made us both want to renew our commitment to a complete surrender of our lives. What shall we (or you) render unto God for all of His benefits? If you have not visited the Holy Land yet, we highly recommend that you do so.


The Tomb

The Temple

Us (Temple in the background)