I’m Laying Aside a “Weight” Today

Today I decided to cut up my deceased mother’s handicap placard. From time to time I have used it as “backup insurance” when parking. I would put the money in the meter but post the placard on the rear view mirror just in case I didn’t make it back before the meter expired–and thus avoid a parking violation as the placard absolves you from having to pay parking fees. If the meter had indeed expired when I returned to the car, I would “usually”–if I had quarters– put the money in the meter and go my merry way. That was violating the law which requires the handicapped person to be present when the placard is used. Well, no more!
The Bible says:”…let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us” (Hebrews 12:1). I want God’s best. I don’t want anything to hinder my prayers or my blessings. Now, I know I run the risk of ruining my “reputation” (what you think I am) by being so candid, but I am more concerned about developing my “character” (what I really am) and showing others how I overcome my weaknesses or shortcomings–and, of course challenging them to follow me as I follow Christ. So, will you commit to laying aside a weight today? If so, don’t delay. Just do it. Then get ready to experience Supernatural peace–and to be blessed!