A Call to the Strong, Independent Woman—Stop Emasculating Your Man!

I’m a strong, educated, and financially-independent woman who was fortunate enough to have two wise spiritual mentors. They both emphasized the importance of understanding a man’s need to be needed. I heeded their advice in each of the areas discussed below and it’s worked for me for almost 35 years. I’m concerned because several men have told me that their women “emasculate” them in simple ways. Here are FOUR…there are MORE:

1) Not letting (or asking) them to carry heavy bags –”I can do it!” –Sure you can… What he hears: ”I don’t need you!”

2) Contradicting him in front of his friends. What he hears: “You don’t rate.”

3) Making major decisions without acknowledging him: “I’ve hired a contractor to remodel the kitchen starting this Monday.” What he hears: “I make my own money and I don’t need or want your input.”

4) Second guessing or undoing his decisions: “I know you told the kids they couldn’t go to the party, but I thought it was okay.” What he hears: “I don’t respect your judgment or honor your place of authority in the home.”

Okay, so just stop it. Start being the woman who “opens her mouth with wisdom” (Prov. 31:26). You’re going to be shocked at the results. Yes, I know you are saying, “What about men giving women more honor?” That will be the subject of a later post. Let’s just work on ourselves for now. After all, Prov. 14:1 says, “A wise woman builds her home, but a foolish woman tears it down with her own hands.”

Caring too much to let you go over a relational cliff!


Photo courtesy of: feroshdiva.tumblr.com