Welcome to my corner of the world where you will learn to WIN–physically, relationally, financially, emotionally, and, of course, Spiritually! I pray that the God-inspired wisdom and products featured here will enhance your development in every way. Whether a corporate executive, stay at home mom, or entrepreneur, we all share a common goal: the pursuit of happiness and a sense of significance. My goal is to show you how to change the only person who can hinder your progress–you! Of course, you can’t do it alone; we all need God and other people. Here, we will learn to walk out the Scriptures and develop our faith to the point that we firmly believe we are more than conquerors in every endeavor.

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Financial Freedom: It’s not about wealth—it’s about peace of mind.
“I have received emails and messages form women of all ages looking for help with their finances,” said certified public accountant and author Deborah Smith Pegues.
“There are still too many women who lack the competence and confidence to become financially empowered. They unwittingly make poor financial decisions, get ripped off, and suffer other detrimental outcomes that they could avoid.”
As a response to the inquiries she receives, she has written a new book, The One-Minute Money Mentor for Women, in which she provides practical steps to real financial freedom. Learn More
“The book you hold in your hands is an invitation—an opportunity to experience the practical, life-transforming gift of Deborah’s expertise. Don’t just read this. Savor it. Digest it. And then implement its principles as quickly as you can. Your finances and your future will thank you for it.”
—Priscilla Shirer, Bible teacher, “War Room” movie lead actress, author of Fervent.”
“Oh, how I wish I had read this book when I was starting out. It would have helped me to understand the emotions driving my financial choices and helped me to build a solid financial footing from the beginning of my career. Pegues offers proven pathways for establishing habits that lead to financial well-being. I was encouraged by her stories of women navigating their careers by putting their best selves forward and stepping into opportunities.” Jacquelline Fuller, VP, Google; president, Google.org