Accepting New Leadership in the USA
There is no time like the post-election of national leadership to remind us of the need for unity and peace.
On November 3, 2020, the world watched and waited for the results of what seemed to be the presidential race of the century in the United States.
Months of planning, canvassing, debating, hoping, and even praying from both the Democratic and the Republican parties were brought to a head. Both political candidates stressed the need for unity. Voters seemed to place all of their hope in one man to deliver it. If truth be told, many of us Christians wrestled with the stark reality that our vote for either candidate would force us to embrace or sanction a platform or behavior that did not fully align with God’s Word. Guilt and justification reigned…
Fast forward to today. Over 60+ cases charging voter fraud in the election have been thrown out of courts across the country due to inadequate evidence. Insurrectionists attacked our democracy and desecrated our Capitol Building on January 6; they are currently being identified and brought to justice. The Biden-Harris team has been sworn in. Time to accept the new leadership.
I am a unifier, so far be it from me to shame anyone for being delighted or devastated by the election results. The comfort and caution I offer to you come directly from the Word of God. It was the once proud and arrogant King Nebuchadnezzar who (after seven years of humiliation and abasement) finally realized that his power was limited and that God had the last word on the affairs of his kingdom. He declared, “ …the Most High rules in the kingdom of men, gives it to whomever He will…” (Daniel 4:17). That’s right. Romans 13:1 clearly states that: “Every person is to be in subjection to the governing authorities. For there is no authority except from God, and those which exist are established by God.”
People have tried to cling to kings and leaders for the answers in the past, but it has never worked. Look at the time of the judges of Israel when the Israelites arrived in the Promised Land. After the death of Joshua, the people went astray and rebelled against the Lord. He gave them judges to draw them back to Him and to rescue them from the hands of their enemies. Not all of these judges were godly, so they were led astray time and time again. After the time of the judges, God told Samuel He was going to give the people a king as they had demanded. He wanted to be their king, but they rejected Him. Thus, He gave them what they wanted: earthly rulers over them.
Just as God longed to be the Israelites’ king, He still longs to be our king today. If we allow Him to be the ruler of our hearts, we will find joy, peace, love, grace, and mercy. There is no king, ruler, or president that takes Him by surprise or does anything beyond His control.
Take heart, my friends, your individual destiny was set by God before you entered the world (Psalm 139:16). The goings-on at the White House will not have an impact on your house when you submit your life to God’s plan, pray for those in authority as commanded, and leave the rest to the One who rules in the affairs of men and gives power to whomsoever He pleases for His divine purpose—whether that purpose is for divine justice or judgement. For a season…
God’s got this! He is doing His job. Our job is to be the light in a dark world.